Deirdre Crilly

Benefits of Earthing

Earthing or grounding is the act of bare skin touching the Earth's surface. This simple act has a number of extraordinary health benefits. The Earth's ...

Parasites- What are they?

Parasites are organisms that live on or within a host. In our case, us and will survive and feed at our expense. The prevalence of ...

Are Your Oils Making You Sick?

Listen up...this is something everyone needs to know. You may be making the most nutritious meals, but the oil that you use could actually be ...

Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) is a type of bacteria. They can enter your body and live in your digestive tract for your entire life. This ...

Stewed Apples

Trust me, this is the most delicious snack...naturally sweet, versatile, nutritious and nourishing for gut health. How to make stewed apples You need: 6-8 Bramley ...

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in the Morning

The humble lemon WOW...what a wonderful creation by Mother Nature. How blessed we are to have something so simple, yet so powerful just growing from ...

Digestion how does it work?

It will surprise you to know that the digestive system prepares itself from the mere smell, sight, sound and even thought of food. About 30% ...

Caffeine – friend or foe?

Caffeine is a natural stimulant which acts on your central nervous system and brain, keeping us alert and delaying tiredness. A daily intake of 400mg ...

Probiotics, any idea what they are or what they do?

Imagine your gut like a garden. Probiotics are the seeds. There are a wide range of seeds that can be sown and every garden needs ...

How to nurture your immune system this winter

If like me and you have children at school, you will have been in a relentless battle with coughs, sneezes, snots and sore tummys. Some ...